Almond Milk Recipe: How to Make Almond Milk at Home

Almond milk is a well-known non-dairy choice, along with soy, cashew, oat, and rice. The nicest part of the almond milk recipe is that you won’t have to worry about preservatives that you don’t want in your drink.

There is, however, one disadvantage: it has a shorter shelf life than its store-bought counterparts. It is, however, less expensive and easier to produce, so it’s still a good choice.

Let’s get this almond milk at home making party underway!

How to Make Almond Milk at Home

The raw almonds must first be steeped in water for at least four hours. Ensure that all of the almonds are completely soaked in water.

The next day, the water in which the almonds have been soaking will be murky. In any case, drain the water and rinse the almonds.

Blend the soaked almonds with the required amount of filtered water in a blender.

It should be noted that the dates and vanilla extract are completely optional. Only those two items are required to make almond milk.

If you want to add some flavor, dates, and vanilla are usually the best choices. In any case, toss any remaining items into the blender.

Then combine for up to 2 minutes on high.

However, here’s the deal:

Any countertop blender should do the trick. However, a high-powered blender is still advised for the best results. On this occasion, my Vitamix A3300 Blender came in handy.

Using a nut milk bag, strain the almond milk (including pulp) into a big bowl (with spout) or a measuring cup. To avoid becoming too filthy, it should have a big mouth. Make sure you’ve squeezed out all of the milk.

Fill an airtight container, preferably a milk bottle with a top, with the almond milk. Finally, store it in the refrigerator to keep it chilled.

Make a batch of almond milk that you and your family can finish in three days to avoid wasting it.

Tip: Don’t dispose of the almond pulp as it is versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes.

Also Read: Almond Butter Recipe – Homemade Almond Butter

Tips and Alternatives

If you don’t have a nut milk bag, cheesecloth can be substituted. Extra layers and, most likely, a mesh strainer will be required. If you don’t, you’ll end up with pulpy milk.

What about the optional extras? There’s no limit to what you can do. For example, I made a chocolate milk version by adding 2/3 cups of cacao nibs.

Almond Milk Recipe

Recipe by
Almond milk is a great non-dairy milk alternative. It's easy to make, and the greatest part is that you can flavour it any way you want without using preservatives!
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 7


  • cups almonds, soaked overnight
  • 7 cups water
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • cups cacao nibs (Optional for Choco version)


  • After soaking the almonds, drain and rinse them.
  • Blend the almonds, water, and any other ingredients in a high-powered blender. Blending time: 2 minutes at high speed.
  • Using a nut milk bag, strain the almond milk into a bowl (with a spout) or a big measuring cup. If there is any leftover milk, squeeze it.
  • Keep the almond milk in an airtight jar for up to three days in the refrigerator.

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