
Does Juicing Cause Gas?

So you’re curious about if juicing causes gas? The vast majority of people will answer no.

Fiber is a typical cause of gas. Juicing removes a lot of the fiber that causes gas production.

As a result, while eating a lot of whole fruits and vegetables can cause flatulence, juicing is usually easier on the stomach.

Juicing, on the other hand, can cause stomach difficulties such as gas and diarrhea if done incorrectly or excessively because everyone’s digestive system is different.

Can Juicing Cause Gas?

When consumers buy a juicer for the first time, they frequently ask this question.

In some people, juice might cause gas and other negative effects.

Beginners are more prone to be unaware of correct juice techniques or to juice excessively.

Juicing Too Many Fruits

Fruits are high in natural sugars like sorbitol.

Sorbitol is a sugar that is difficult to digest and can be found in fruits, including apples, pears, and prunes.

This type of sugar can feed dangerous bacteria in the intestines, resulting in gas.

Juice Detoxes or Cleanses

Many people feel nausea, upset stomach, gas, and diarrhea when they begin a juice detox or cleanse.

Your body has been accustomed to a certain diet. When you switch from eating junk food to drinking fruits and vegetables in liquid form, you’re likely to encounter these sensations.

Many individuals believe it is only transitory. A juice-only diet, in my opinion, can help you lose weight temporarily, but it is not long-term sustainable.

What Are The Main Causes Of Gas?

You can swallow a lot of air when you eat or breathe, which might cause a lot of gas.

There are, however, three other potential causes of gas:

1. Difficult To Digest Foods

In your intestines, bacteria can be detected.

Some fruits and vegetables require more effort to digest than others.

If they aren’t completely digested, they will eventually end up in your colon.

Bacteria in your colon attack and break down partially digested food when they come into contact with it.

When something is broken down, gas is released. This is a chemical process.

You probably already know what happens next.

Here’s a rundown of some of the more challenging fruits and vegetables to digest:


  • Brussels sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Asparagus
  • Cauliflower


  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Prunes

2. Fiber-Rich Diets

Fiber is good for your body, but too much of it might cause stomach issues.

According to a study, bloating, stomach pain, and constipation have all been linked to a high-fiber diet.

When people switch to a fiber-rich, plant-based diet, they frequently notice that they have more gas.

More fiber should, in theory, result in more gas.

The benefit of juicing is that it removes part of the fiber that causes these symptoms.

Don’t be deceived by it, though. In juice, soluble fiber is still present.

Something that can be dissolved in water is referred to as “soluble.” The majority of the juice is made up of water.

You’ll get a lot of soluble fiber if you drink a lot of juice from fruits and vegetables, which may cause you to go to the bathroom a lot.

So take it easy on the apple juice and don’t attempt to eat ten apples at once.

3. Dysbiosis.

Dysbiosis is a bacterial imbalance in the stomach caused by the coexistence of good and bad bacteria.

This has a significant impact on a big number of people.

The yin and yang of bacteria in your gut is a delicate balance.

It’s possible that you lack beneficial microbes.

It’s also conceivable that you have an oversupply of potentially harmful bacteria.

In any case, your gastrointestinal tract may produce more hydrogen and methane gas. As a result of these gases, flatulence will cause.

To improve your gut health and increase good bacteria, you could consider taking probiotics.

Also Read: 11 Common Juicing Mistakes You Might Be Making


Is it true that juicing makes you bloated?

The vast majority of people who juice sensibly should not have any stomach problems.

Juicing may cause gas.

If you’re undergoing a juice cleanse or drinking a lot of fruit juice, this is especially true.

Sugars, one again, nourish germs, so don’t eat too much of them.

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